Chick-fil-A chce, abyste snídali kuřecí nugety 2023

Chick-fil-A chce, abyste snídali kuřecí nugety

Je vaše ranní snídaně rutina v trochu rutině? Jistě, granola a jogurt jsou báječné, ale nikdo nechce jíst stejnou věc každý den.

Chick-fil-A se pokouší třást snídani tím, že nabízí novou položku, která obsahuje milovanou oblíbenou oběd: kuřecí nugety.

V pondělí zavádí Chick-fil-A novou misku na snídani, která volá Hash Brown Scramble. Miska začíná podpisem Chick-fil-A, celoplošným hash hnědým, pak je pokrytý míchanými vejci, směs Monterey Jack a cheddar sýrů a nakrájené chilli-fil-A nugety nebo klobása, vše pokryté pikantní, jalapeño salsa. Šipka může být podávána v burrito nebo misce, pokud se snažíte sledovat příjem vápníku.

Zdvořilost Chick-fil-A

Amanda Norrisová, ředitelka vývoje jídel pro Chick-fil-A, říká TODAY Food, že snídani se soustředí na řetězec již nějakou dobu a rozhodnutí o zavedení misky bylo vyvoláno zvýšením jejich popularity.

“Denní snídaně mezi všemi řetězci se rychle zvyšuje, protože zákazníci jsou stále časově hladovější a hledají rychlé snídaně na cestách,” řekl Norris. “V uplynulých letech jsme se více zaměřili na přidávání různých příchutí, jako je Hash Brown Scramble Bowl a Burrito, a výživné možnosti, jako je náš Egg White Grill a Jogurt Parfait.

Miska, která má kuřecí nugety a hash hnědé, spojuje dva z nejpopulárnějších položek řetězce.

Ale i ti, kteří se nad touto novou vzrušení mohou vzpamatovat, si mohou všimnout, že aktuální řetěz snídaně burrito – který má velmi podobné přísady – byl vyřazen z menu, aby udělal místo pro novou škandál.

Pokud fanoušci Chick-fil-A očekávají v blízké budoucnosti další změny v nabídce?

“Je důležité, abychom v nabídce nabídli širokou škálu, což znamená, že někdy musíme odstranit položky menu a přísady, abychom uvolnili místo pro nové,” řekl Norris TODAY Food. “Děláme několik změn, které zahrnují odstranění sezónní letní položky menu, které měly být omezené, stejně jako náš snídaňový talíř a omáčka. “

Takže, bye-bye sušenky a omáčky, ahoj snídani mísa? Mohlo by to chvíli trvat, než si na to zvyknout – ale možná, že ty tašky budou vráceny zpět.

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Nová mísa se snídaní a burrito začíná na 3,49 dolarů a bude k dispozici celonárodně od pondělí.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the language:

    “Is your morning breakfast routine a bit too routine? Sure, granola and yogurt are great, but no one wants to eat the same thing every day. Chick-fil-A is trying to shake up breakfast by offering a new item that includes a beloved lunch favorite: chicken nuggets. On Monday, Chick-fil-A is introducing a new breakfast bowl called the Hash Brown Scramble. The bowl starts with Chick-fil-As signature, full-sized hash browns, then is topped with scrambled eggs, a blend of Monterey Jack and cheddar cheeses, and either chopped Chick-fil-A nuggets or sausage, all covered in spicy jalapeño salsa. The bowl can be served in a burrito or bowl if youre trying to watch your calcium intake. Courtesy of Chick-fil-A Amanda Norris, director of menu development for Chick-fil-A, tells TODAY Food that breakfast has been a focus for the chain for some time and the decision to introduce the bowl was prompted by their popularity. “Daily breakfast among all chains is rapidly increasing as customers are becoming more time-starved and looking for quick breakfasts on-the-go,” Norris said. “In recent years, weve focused more on adding different flavors, like the Hash Brown Scramble Bowl and Burrito, and nutritious options, like our Egg White Grill and Yogurt Parfait. The bowl, which has chicken nuggets and hash browns, combines two of the chains most popular items. But even those who may be recovering from this new excitement may notice that the current chain breakfast burrito – which has very similar ingredients – has been removed from the menu to make way for the new scandal. If Chick-fil-A fans are expecting more menu changes in the near future? “Its important that we offer a wide range of menu items, which means that sometimes we have to remove menu items and ingredients to make room for new ones,” Norris told TODAY Food. “Were making several changes, including removing seasonal summer menu items that were meant to be limited, as well as our breakfast platter and sauce.” So, bye-bye biscuits and gravy, hello breakfast bowl? It may take a while to get used to – but maybe those bags will be returned. The new breakfast bowl and burrito starts at $3.49

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for those who do not understand the language:

    “Is your morning breakfast routine a bit too routine? Sure, granola and yogurt are great, but no one wants to eat the same thing every day. Chick-fil-A is trying to shake up breakfast by offering a new item that includes a beloved lunch favorite: chicken nuggets. On Monday, Chick-fil-A is introducing a new breakfast bowl called the Hash Brown Scramble. The bowl starts with Chick-fil-As signature, full-sized hash browns, then is topped with scrambled eggs, a blend of Monterey Jack and cheddar cheeses, and either chopped Chick-fil-A nuggets or sausage, all covered in spicy jalapeño salsa. The bowl can be served in a burrito or bowl if youre trying to watch your calcium intake. Courtesy of Chick-fil-A Amanda Norris, director of menu development for Chick-fil-A, tells TODAY Food that breakfast has been a focus for the chain for some time and the decision to introduce the bowl was prompted by their popularity. “Daily breakfast among all chains is rapidly increasing as customers are becoming more time-starved and looking for quick breakfasts on-the-go,” Norris said. “In recent years, weve focused more on adding different flavors, like the Hash Brown Scramble Bowl and Burrito, and nutritious options, like our Egg White Grill and Yogurt Parfait. The bowl, which has chicken nuggets and hash browns, combines two of the chains most popular items. But even those who may be recovering from this new excitement may notice that the current chain breakfast burrito – which has very similar ingredients – has been removed from the menu to make way for the new scandal. If Chick-fil-A fans are expecting more menu changes in the near future? “Its important that we offer a wide range of menu items, which means that sometimes we have to remove menu items and ingredients to make room for new ones,” Norris told TODAY Food. “Were making several changes, including removing seasonal summer menu items that were meant to be limited, as well as our breakfast platter and sauce.” So, bye-bye biscuits and gravy, hello breakfast bowl? It may take a while to get used to – but maybe those bags will be returned. The new breakfast bowl and burrito starts at $3.49

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