Не оставяйте вашето кученце този Хелоуин! Облечи си pooch един очарователен Хелоуин костюм. Имаме тонове лесни идеи за костюми за кучета от миниатюрни момичета до момичета от Хула, а вие също можете да вземете реплика от кучето на Ал Рокър “Пипер”, което ще бъде облечено като тиква. Всъщност, ако сте хранителни като Al, има много по-очарователни храна, вдъхновени от Хелоуин куче костюми, за да разгледа. От бекон до такос, тук има седем супер сладки костюми за кучета.
Бейкън, $ 10.34, Amazon
Облечи Фидо като любимата си храна за закуска.
СВЪРЗАНИ: 32 сладки, лесни идеи за костюми за Хелоуин за кучета
Запознайте се с ново кученце на ДНЕС с цел
Тиква, $ 10, Купи костюми
Ти кученце ще се слее в тиква кръпка в този очарователен станете.
СВЪРЗАНИ: Партия на Уейн! Жена и куче побеждават Хелоуин с отличен костюм
Точи Рол, $ 17.99, Купи костюми
“Преобръщане” има съвсем ново значение в този костюм, вдъхновен от бонбони.
Суши, $ 14.99, Party City
Това е прав соя сладък!
Тако, $ 21.67, Джет
Това е толкова добро, че ще пожелаете, че идва във вашия размер.
Hog куче, $ 24.99, Skodot
Защото всъщност има нещо по-хубаво от едно горещо куче, известно като дакешон или доксин, като торта като топло куче?
Царевица на котката, от $ 13.99, Петко
Една капка масло е идеалното довършително докосване на този корав, но сладък костюм.
Топ поп бръмбари: Как да направите това страховито Хелоуин лечение
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:
Do not leave your puppy alone this Halloween! Dress up your pooch in a charming Halloween costume. We have tons of easy costume ideas for dogs from mini girls to Hula girls, and you can also take a cue from Al Rokers dog “Piper,” who will be dressed as a pumpkin. In fact, if youre a foodie like Al, there are plenty of more charming food-inspired Halloween dog costumes to explore. From bacon to tacos, here are seven super cute dog costumes. Bacon, $10.34, Amazon Amazon Dress Fido as your favorite breakfast food. RELATED: 32 Cute, Easy Halloween Costume Ideas for Dogs Meet the new puppy TODAY Aug.22.201606:03 Pumpkin, $10, Buy Costumes Buy Costumes Your puppy will blend in with the pumpkin patch in this adorable getup. RELATED: Party on, Wayne! Woman and Dog Win Halloween with Excellent Costume Tootsie Roll, $17.99, Buy Costumes Buy Costumes “Tootsie” takes on a whole new meaning in this candy-inspired costume. Sushi, $14.99, Party City Party City This is one soy sweet costume! Taco, $21.67, Jet Jet This is so good, youll wish it came in your size. Hot Dog, $24.99, Skodot Costume Express Because is there really anything better than a hot dog, aka a dachshund or doxie, dressed as a warm dog? Corn on the Cat, from $13.99, Petco Petco A dollop of butter is the perfect finishing touch on this corny, yet sweet costume. Top Pop Buzz: How to Make This Awesome Halloween Treat Oct.24.201601:19 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:
Do not leave your puppy alone this Halloween! Dress up your pooch in a charming Halloween costume. We have tons of easy costume ideas for dogs from mini girls to Hula girls, and you can also take a cue from Al Rokers dog “Piper,” who will be dressed as a pumpkin. In fact, if youre a foodie like Al, there are plenty of more charming food-inspired Halloween dog costumes to explore. From bacon to tacos, here are seven super cute dog costumes. Bacon, $10.34, Amazon Amazon Dress Fido as your favorite breakfast food. RELATED: 32 Cute, Easy Halloween Costume Ideas for Dogs Meet the new puppy TODAY Aug.22.201606:03 Pumpkin, $10, Buy Costumes Buy Costumes Your puppy will blend in with the pumpkin patch in this adorable getup. RELATED: Waynes World Party! Woman and Dog Win Halloween with Excellent Costume Tootsie Roll, $17.99, Buy Costumes Buy Costumes “Tootsie” takes on a whole new meaning in this candy-inspired costume. Sushi, $14.99, Party City Party City This is one soy sweet costume! Taco, $21.67, Jet Jet This is so good, youll wish it came in your size. Hot Dog, $24.99, Skodot Costume Express Because is there really anything better than a hot dog, aka a dachshund or doxie, dressed as a warm dog? Corn on the Cat, from $13.99, Petco Petco A dollop of butter is the perfect finishing touch on this corny, yet sweet costume. Top Pop Buzz: How to Make This Awesome Halloween Treat Oct.24.201601:19 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest