Bambi и Thumper са реален.
Поне това най-вероятно Стив и Вики Джонсън вероятно ще ви кажат, след като сте свидетели и записвате някоя бонафистка магия на Дисни миналия четвъртък.
С неволно кимване на филма на Уолт Дисни от 1942 г. “Бамби”, бебешки елен и заек, свирили заедно в продължение на около 30 минути извън музея “Лула У. Дорси” в YMCA на скалите в парка “Естес”, съобщи филиалът на NBC KUSA. Стив и Вики, които са доброволци от ръководството на музея, застреляха най-достойния клип от предната веранда.
Това според съобщенията не е първата им среща. Служителите казват, че са забелязали необичайната двойка да играят заедно няколко пъти.
Cecil the Lion Beanie Baby ще събере пари за опазване на животните
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:
“Bambi and Thumper are real. At least thats what Steve and Vicky Johnson will likely tell you after witnessing and recording some bona fide Disney magic last Thursday. With a nod to Walt Disneys 1942 film “Bambi,” a baby deer and rabbit played together for about 30 minutes outside the Lula W. Dorsey Museum at the YMCA on the rocks in Estes Park, according to NBC KUSA. Steve and Vicky, who are volunteers with the museum, captured the most worthy clip from the front porch. This is not their first encounter, according to reports. Staff members say they have noticed the unusual duo playing together several times. Cecil the Lion Beanie Baby will raise money for animal conservation.”
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:
“Bambi and Thumper are real. At least thats what Steve and Vicky Johnson will likely tell you after witnessing and recording some bona fide Disney magic last Thursday. With a nod to Walt Disneys 1942 film “Bambi,” a baby deer and rabbit played together for about 30 minutes outside the Lula W. Dorsey Museum at the YMCA on the rocks in Estes Park, according to NBC KUSA. Steve and Vicky, who are volunteers with the museum, captured the most worthy clip from the front porch. This is not their first encounter, according to reports. Employees say they have noticed the unusual duo playing together several times. Cecil the Lion Beanie Baby will raise money for animal conservation.”