Lví láska: Otec se s dítětem setkává poprvé

Lví láska: Otec se s dítětem setkává poprvé

Ahoj, Dad! Father and son bond during their first encounter.
Ahoj tati! Otec a syn v průběhu prvního setkání.Suzi Eszterhas / Dnes

Tento nezapomenutelný okamžik zachycený fotografem Suzi Eszterhas z oblasti divoké zvěře na Keňské Národní rezervaci Masai Mara nás měl v kanceláři. Po sledování pýchy lvů po dobu tří měsíců Eszterhas popadl tyto záběry mužského lva se svým synem poprvé.

Podle Eszterhy se zvědavé 7týdenní mládě a jeho sourozenci nikdy předtím nestretly s otcem, protože se od narození drželi v dnu pod bdělou oči své matky. Teprve když se mláďata stali příliš velkými a hluchými, aby se maminka dokázala postarat sama, opatrně je nechala ven a představila jim zbytek pýchy, včetně jejich otce.

“Co je v pohodě je to, protože jsou zastrčené v dňu, vyloučení je to dramatický okamžik,” řekl Eszterhas

The father lion was extremely gentle during this first meeting with his son, not getting involved in any serious play as the young one adjusted to his presence.
Otec lva byl během tohoto prvního setkání s jeho synem nesmírně jemný a nezapojil se do nějaké vážné hry, když se mladý přizpůsobil své přítomnosti.Suzi Eszterhas / Dnes

Zachycení citlivé interakce otce a syna bylo velice obohacující pro fotografku, který za měsíce strávil hodně času sledováním lvů.

“Byl to jeden z nejpamátnějších okamžiků mé kariéry,” řekla. “Jsem v těch dlouhých hodinách a pak se stane ten úžasný okamžik, kdy mládě kráčí s velkým otcem.”

Levice stále pozorně sledovala členy hrdosti, které se s dětmi dotýkaly – i když jde o otce, řekl Eszterhas.

v this heartwarming photo, Dad seems to let his cub playfully nip at his forehead, or maybe his son is planting a kiss!
Na této povznášející fotografii se zdá, že táta nechá své mládě hravě sevřít na čelo, nebo možná, že jeho syn položí polibek!Suzi Eszterhas / Dnes

“Vždycky se díval na mamku jako:” Ach, bude mě na mě vrhat? “” Řekla. Vzpomněla si, že otec lví byl velmi jemný se svým mládětem, který byl spíše skličující, když se nejdříve objevil kolem staršího levého. “Po několika dnech, kdy je táta kolem sebe, si uvědomují, že jim neublíží a hra se stává hrubší, ale i když hra je hanebná, táta se podívá na mamu!”

Po some time passes, the cubs realize Dad's just a big softy and play becomes a bit rowdier around him.
Po uplynutí času se mláďata uvědomují, že tatínek je jen velkou měkkou a hra se kolem něj stává trošku.Suzi Eszterhas / Dnes

Fotograf z Kalifornie vystupoval po levicích za novou knihu “Lion”, která je jedním ze šesti titulů v seriálu Eye on the Wild vydané vydavateli Frances Lincoln. Série je zaměřena na děti a v minulosti uváděla zvířata jako gepardy, gorily a hnědé medvědy, po členu každého druhu od dětství až po dospělost.

Eszterhas doufá, že tyto fotografie a její knihy budou inspirovat dospělé i děti, aby se postaraly o snahu o ochranu přírody a přírody, aby budoucí generace měly možnost vidět tato zvířata ve volné přírodě.

Uh-oh! Dad may be having enough of his son's attention from his expression here. It might be time to let him rest, kid!
Uh-oh! Táta může mít dostatek pozornosti svého syna z jeho vyjádření. Možná je čas ho nechat odpočívat, kluku!Suzi Eszterhas / Dnes

Podíváme-li se na tyto dotyčné fotografie, je jistě těžké si představit svět bez tohoto otce a syna.


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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Hello Dad! Father and son during their first meeting. Suzi Eszterhas / Today. This unforgettable moment captured by photographer Suzi Eszterhas from the wild animals in the Kenyan Masai Mara National Reserve was in our office. After watching the pride of lions for three months, Eszterhas captured these shots of a male lion with his son for the first time. According to Eszterhas, the curious 7-week-old cub and his siblings had never met their father before because they had been kept in the den under their mothers watchful eye since birth. Only when the cubs became too big and deaf for their mother to care for them alone did she cautiously let them out and introduce them to the rest of the pride, including their father. “Whats cool is that theyre tucked away in the den, so exclusion is a dramatic moment,” Eszterhas told During this first meeting with his son, the lion father was extremely gentle and did not engage in any serious play as the young one adjusted to his presence. Suzi Eszterhas / Today. Capturing the sensitive interaction between father and son was very enriching for the photographer, who spent months observing lions. “It was one of the most memorable moments of my career,” she said. “Im in those long hours, and then that amazing moment happens when the cub walks with the big dad.” The lion father still watched over the pride members who interacted with the cubs – even though it was the father, Eszterhas said. In this uplifting photo, it seems that dad lets his cub playfully grip his forehead, or maybe his son gives him a kiss! Suzi Eszterhas / Today. “He always looked at mom like, Oh, is she going to throw me? “She said. She remembered that the lion father was very gentle with his cub, which was rather daunting when he first appeared around the older lion. “After a few days of dad being around, they realize he wont hurt them, and the play gets rougher, but even when the play is rough, dad looks at mom!” Over time, the cubs realize that dad is just a big softie, and the play around him becomes a bit more. Suzi Eszterhas

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Hello Dad! Father and son during their first meeting. Suzi Eszterhas / Today. This unforgettable moment captured by photographer Suzi Eszterhas from the wild animals in the Kenyan National Reserve Masai Mara was in our office. After watching the pride of lions for three months, Eszterhas captured these shots of a male lion with his son for the first time. According to Eszterhas, the curious 7-week-old cub and his siblings had never met their father before because they had been kept in the den under their mothers watchful eye since birth. Only when the cubs became too big and deaf for their mother to care for them alone did she cautiously let them out and introduce them to the rest of the pride, including their father. “Whats cool is that theyre tucked away in the den, so exclusion is a dramatic moment,” Eszterhas told During this first meeting with his son, the lion father was extremely gentle and did not engage in any serious play as the young one adjusted to his presence. Suzi Eszterhas / Today. Capturing the sensitive interaction between father and son was very enriching for the photographer, who spent months observing lions. “It was one of the most memorable moments of my career,” she said. “Im in those long hours, and then that amazing moment happens when the cub walks with the big dad.” The lion father still watched over the pride members who interacted with the cubs – even though it was the father, Eszterhas said. In this uplifting photo, it seems that dad lets his cub playfully grip his forehead, or maybe his son gives him a kiss! Suzi Eszterhas / Today. “He always looked at mom like, Oh, is she going to throw me? “She said. She remembered that the lion father was very gentle with his cub, which was rather daunting when he first appeared around the older lion. “After a few days of dad being around, they realize he wont hurt them, and the play gets rougher, but even when the play is rough, dad looks at mom!” Over time, the cubs realize that dad is just a big softie, and the play around him becomes a bit more. Suzi Eszterhas

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